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Get Started With A Fertility Specialist Near You | Mars, PA

Other Fertility Treatments

About 1 in 6 people globally experience issues with fertility. At Radiance Fertility, we offer comprehensive care and personalized treatment plans to fit the unique needs of each patient.

Our private fertility practice is dedicated to providing expert one-on-one care. With our state-of-the-art technology and in-house labs, ultrasounds, and procedures, we strive to make your journey toward parenthood as smooth and seamless as possible.

Request an appointment online with our board-certified physician, Dr. Sunita Katari. We are excited to connect with you, answer any questions you may have, and explore the management options that are best suited to your needs.


Loving young man and pregnant woman

Fertility Preservation

Whether for personal or medical reasons, some couples and individuals may want to preserve their fertility potential for the future. Fertility preservation services through Radiance Fertility include egg, sperm, and embryo freezing. This allows individuals to have the option of starting or expanding their family in the future.

There are a number of reasons a person might choose a fertility preservation procedure, including undergoing cancer treatment, transitioning medically, or simply wanting to delay parenthood for personal or professional reasons. Our team at Radiance Fertility can provide the support and guidance needed to make informed decisions about fertility preservation.

Third-Party Reproduction

In cases where traditional methods of conception are not possible or viable, third-party reproduction offers alternative options for individuals and couples looking to start a family. This may involve the use of donor eggs, sperm, or embryos, as well as gestational surrogacy.

At Radiance Fertility, we have partnerships with reputable egg and sperm banks as well as surrogacy agencies to help facilitate the process of third-party reproduction. These collaborations ensure our patients have access to a diverse pool of screened and qualified donors and surrogates.

Fertility Surgery

Fertility surgeries play a vital role in addressing various reproductive challenges and helping individuals fulfill their dreams of starting or expanding their families. These surgical interventions aim to diagnose and treat underlying conditions that may be impacting fertility.

Operative hysteroscopy is one of the most common kinds of these surgeries. This procedure involves the use of a hysteroscope—a thin, lighted instrument that is inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterus. The hysteroscope transmits images of the uterine cavity to a monitor, allowing Dr. Katari to identify and address any structural issues that may be affecting fertility.

During an operative hysteroscopy, various interventions can be performed to improve fertility outcomes. These may include:

  • Removal of Uterine Polyps: Polyps are small growths that can develop in the lining of the uterus, potentially interfering with implantation and pregnancy. Operative hysteroscopy allows for the precise removal of these polyps, improving the chances of successful conception.
  • Treatment of Uterine Fibroids: Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths in the uterine wall that can affect fertility. Operative hysteroscopy can be utilized to remove or resect fibroids that are distorting the uterine cavity, optimizing the conditions for implantation and pregnancy.
  • Correction of Uterine Septum: A uterine septum is a congenital condition where the uterus is divided by a wall or septum. This anatomical abnormality can increase the risk of miscarriage and infertility. Operative hysteroscopy can be employed to remove or resect the septum, improving reproductive outcomes.
  • Removal of Intrauterine Adhesions: In some cases, scarring or adhesions may form inside the uterus, preventing pregnancy or causing recurrent miscarriages. Operative hysteroscopy can be used to carefully remove these adhesions and correct the anatomy of the uterus.
This procedure is relatively simple and can be performed on an outpatient basis, either under local anesthesia or sedation.

Schedule to Learn More About Fertility Preservation Near You

One Patient, One Physician, One Goal: Parenthood.
